A Coaching Model Created by Anthony Hadeed
(Life & Career Coach, TRINIDAD)
Focus of Coaching Model: To Help Clients Find & Live Their Life’s Purpose
The “D A R E” model was developed with the specific goal in mind to assist people in discovering their “life purpose” through their careers, and then embarking on living this life purpose. A purpose-driven life is a fulfilling, healthier and happier life.
I use the “D A R E” model in my life and career coaching practice as a method of clarifying the steps that the client can expect in our coaching relationship as they seek to gain clarity in this very important endeavor of bringing meaning and fulfillment to their lives. The benefits of living a purpose-driven life include improved personal health and family stability. I dare my clients to step out of the norm of society where more than 80% of people in the working world do not enjoy their careers, and to find that career that will bring passion and fulfillment to their lives!
The first half of Phase 1 of the model is the stage where I work with the client to discern what their vocational calling is in life. Most if not all vocations in life fall into one of three silos, namely, single life, married life, and religious life. There can sometimes be an overlap between these silos as in the case where some religions allow for married clergy. The client is encouraged to attend retreats and similar discernment forums to determine what vocation God might be calling them to.
The second half of Phase 1 of the model is the stage where the client has to affirm the vocational silo discerned in the first half of Phase 1. All too often, people have a tendency to not want to listen to that quiet voice within them that is pointing them in a particular vocational direction. By asking close friends and family members about our vocational choice, we can often get confirmation from them, and thus affirm our choice.
The first half of Phase 2 of the model is the stage where I engage with the client to replace their existing career path with one that best suites their strengths, and fits with the particular vocational calling determined in Phase 1 of the process. This is achieved in a number of career coaching sessions (typically four) using the “Vocational Style & Personality Assessment or VoSPA” licensed from Psychtests, Inc. The VoSPA assessment produces a report that lists the interests, intelligence types, values, and work-styles of the client in descending order of scores, and then lists six to ten careers that match the client’s strengths. The report is then used in the coaching relationship as a starting point for the client’s self-discovery regarding their career path and consequent “life purpose.”
The second half of Phase 2 of the model is the stage where the client would embrace their “life purpose” journey and needs an ongoing life coaching partnership to help keep the balance in the four areas of their life, namely, the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. This is usually structured either in a package of prepaid sessions or as needed.
Detailed Steps of the Coaching Model
- My company name and website reflects my model:
- My logo reflects my coaching model:
- The client fills out an initial profile, to determine past successes and disappointments, as well as future goals. In particular, we determine if the client believes whether they are living a purpose-driven life.
- Before embarking on the process, I determine the level of the client’s willingness to effect change in their lives in order to achieve their life’s purpose.
- I ask the client if he or she has discerned their vocational calling as yet (single life, married life, or religious life). If not, I strongly recommend vocational retreats, after which we schedule a session to discuss if the client is at peace with one of the three distinct vocational categories.
- The client is next assigned one or two Psychometric assessments to complete online, namely, (i) the “Vocational Style & Personality Assessment or VoSPA”, and (ii) the “Multi-Dimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient or MEIQ”. Both of these assessments are licensed from Psychtests, Inc.
- The reports from the above assessments are printed and the client sessions are scheduled.
- The VoSPA report can then be used in the career coaching relationship as a starting point for the client’s self-discovery regarding their career path and consequent “life purpose.”
- The MEIQ report provides concrete advice as to what areas within the five categories the client needs to work on to improve his or her EIQ. Again, this report can be used in a life coaching relationship as a starting point for the client’s self-discovery regarding their emotional health and intelligence. This in turn can assist clients in asserting themselves more when it comes to the choice of their vocational careers, and subsequently in dealing more effectively with the challenges surrounding this important aspect of their lives, namely, their life purpose!
- The progress and notes for each session as well as the Psychometric assessments in the form of PDFs are recorded in a password protected blog on my company’s website www.yourlifepurpose.com. Most importantly, only the client and I have access to it, ensuring the utmost confidentiality.
- An action plan is agreed upon at the end of each session and also recorded at the end of the blog for that session.
- The client reviews my notes from each session, and can add his or her own notes, and progress made on the action plan.
- I always follow up with the client at the start of each session to see what progress was made on the action plan from the last session, and how far along the “D A R E” model he or she is at.