A Coaching Model Created by Anne Kathrin Schubert
(Life Coach, GERMANY)
About you:
What is your destiny? Are you satisfied with your present life? Are you feeling stuck in certain areas? Life is growth, and you are called to blossom in the beauty of your uniqueness! You can change your life and become more fulfilled and happy.
As you live your destiny, the life you are called to live, you will blossom! Things you are longing for will blossom: You will feel well and experience wholeness, love and inner peace, being energized and alive!
About me:
I assist people on their growth journey. In the process, they discover their core values, beliefs, strengths, motivations and what they want out of life. We also discover what is slowing their progress – all of this by using tools that are appropriate for their learning style and by asking powerful questions. Most importantly, they develop more inner peace, love, and joy as God’s guidance in them increases.
About the process:
The Destiny Coaching Process develops clarity and positive movement in these seven essentials.
Discover more about your true self and your resources and move to the place where you are called to be, may it be inside you or your surroundings. The world is waiting for people who take the challenges of this journey as they radiate peace, love, aliveness, wholeness and wellbeing!
Desired situation
What is your true passion? The Destiny Coaching Process brings insight into what really matters to you. Envisioning and progressing toward your destiny will give you an increased sense of wholeness, inner peace, and joy.
What will empower you to live your best life? Discovering and connecting with your inner and outer resources (including God) will lead you to action and empower you on your journey.
Who are you? Understanding your hidden core help you achieve your goals and lead an authentic life. Through dialogue and the use of various tools and assessments, you will gain an understanding of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivations, emotions, and what you truly want in life.
Are you living in authentic transparency? How confident are you that your present direction leads to the destiny you desire? Every truth discovery constitutes a valuable course correction.
Inspired creativity
Are you fully using the power of your imagination? Discover creative ways for your unique self to unlock your desired future.
As a coach will help you think out of the box in terms of opportunities
Are you receiving the encouragement you need? Discover how to build and maintain a supportive and acknowledging environment that will nurture your dream.
Your obstacles
What is likely to impede your progress? Identify present and future obstacles including underlying beliefs that keep you from living your true self. Create a strategy for turning them into positive stepping stones.