A Coaching Model Created by Anita Swartley
(Life Coach, USA)
Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. David Mc Cullaugh Jr
To elevate means to move or raise to a higher place or position, to lift up. So often we feel we are trapped in where we are, who we are, and what we are doing. But we don’t have to be stuck, we can move and grow and elevate ourselves to a higher place by getting to know who we are and partnering with someone who is committed to helping us find where we want to be. A coach is that partner who can provide an open and safe space for you to grow personally, professionally, and /or spiritually. Through the ELEVATE coaching model, your coach can create a structure for you to work within that will help you learn more about your values, your strengths, your dreams, and any obstacles you face in reaching them. Each letter stands for a different step in the process, all geared to help you reach your long-term goal.
Represents Explore. Before we begin our sessions we must first explore what has brought you to coaching.
what are your thoughts, dreams, and desires.
Represents Listen. Listen, Listen, Listen. As we begin our session, I as your coach commit to active listening designed to hear not only what you are trying to communicate, but perhaps to hear those underlying beliefs that you are unaware exist, that have become stumbling blocks to reaching your potential.
Represents Encourage. Encouragement creates a wealth of positive energy that can feed our souls and motivate our hearts. As you explore your thoughts and beliefs, I as your coach will support you by reflecting back the positive aspects of who you are and remind you of your accomplishments and value.
Represents Visualize. So often we begin to identify our dreams and goals but fail to bring vision to either. We may not even have a clear vision of ourselves. What we represent to the world may not be who we really are. Creating a visual for yourself and for your goals is a significant tool in helping you as the client to see your potential as well as an outcome.
Represents Agree. Coaching is a one on one relationship designed to help a client create more awareness and develop goals that are aligned with their personal values and passions. This partnership requires that we are in agreement to the structure, methods, and outcome of each session. By entering this relationship, the coach agrees to allow the client to be in control of each session, to be responsible for the work involved in their growth, and to partner with them in designing a path that reflects who the client is, as well as which steps they want to take in achieving their goals.
Represents Take Action. Coaching is an action oriented method that focuses on using a client’s strengths and gifts to affect change and reach potential. Action is a pivotal part of the process which enables a client to move forward at a pace that is comfortable yet effective. Without action, there can be no change.
Represents Evaluate. Where action moves us forward, evaluation keeps us focused and on track. Once awareness has been established, a goal is determined and an action plan has been agreed upon, self-assessment and evaluation are used to reflect on how we are doing. Self-assessment is a valuable tool in determining whether our action plans are in alignment with our goals, and sometimes, to determine if our goals should still be our goals. Evaluating progress, outcome, and pace, are all important in keeping our sessions effective and focused on you.
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. Martin Luther King Jr.
The ELEVATE model has been created to provide an effective structure for a coaching session that is client centered, but still provides forward movement towards achieving a determined goal. The client’s well-being and growth is the foundation for the development of this model, and can be used as structure for each individual session or as a reference for the coach who would prefer to use it as a framework within which to work. Below I have created a more detailed version designed to be used by a coach, and the simplified version above to be used with a client.