A Coaching Model Created by Andrea Briscoe
My coaching model was established in 2008 when I was designing my first website and wanted to have a simple way for my executive coaching clients to understand my coaching model. I also wanted to be able to use this model as a marketing tool to bring in business and help my client achieve their goals.
I decided to use the first three letters of my business name (Sage Consulting Inc.) and then build the model around it.
What are 3 things that I believe that all leaders – no matter what level they are at within the organization must bring to their work?
What is the organizations strategy, what is the mission and vision? What is their strategic plan and how do I as a manager, leader or individual contributor fit in to that strategy.
How do I communicate with my boss, colleagues, direct reports and family
Do I do my best each day? Do I work with integrity and purpose?
When we as leaders use this model to unearth our goals and plans there is no room for failure, only opportunities for success. This is the case because it is simple, easy to use and adaptable to any business situation.
According to this model we will work together to establish your Sweet Spot – the place in which the circles intersect:
Your Strategy, how it is Communicated and then we ask does it capture your personal integrity of who you are as you achieve it.