A Coaching Model Created by M. Anand Bhaskar
(Executive Coach, INDIA)
L Enable the client to lead oneself
In my approach to coaching, I believe the first step is to enable the Client to Lead himself by talking about his challenges and articulating the desire outcomes or goals from the coaching engagement. It is about recognizing that you want to be coached or are willing to lead yourself into knowing more. For the coach it is about Leading the coaching process.
The role of the Coach is to lead the process of coaching by creating a trusted environment, listening to what is being said, clarify own understanding of what I one is hearing from the client, be fully present with & for the client and asking relevant questions that facilitate the client to think deeper and/or broader.
It is essential for the client to put his thoughts into words and express himself. The coach plays a key role in enabling the same. Expression of thoughts enables the client & the coaching process in the following ways:
As a part of leading oneself, facilitating the conversation with the client to determine the goal or the outcomes that the client expects from the coaching process is an important first step of the LEAP Coaching Model.
E Explore all options
The second step is to facilitate the conversation with the client to explore the options that the client has considered or not considered so far.
In order for the client to move forward from the current state, the coaching conversation should explore the current set of options and also such new options that could be created by the client. These options could emerge in the mind of the client from a dialogue:
Exploration is an integral part of the LEAP coaching approach, which enables the client to think of various approaches the client could take to move forward from the current situation.
A Committing to Action
Once the client has explored various options that he could consider in order to shift his present situation, commitment to Action is crucial to bring about the change that the client wants to see. The role of the coach is to facilitate the conversation to a stage where the client is willing to commit to take action and move himself forward.
Commitment to Action enables the client to –
The coaching approach around commitment to Action also includes holding the client accountable to his commitments. The coach plays an important role in this regard by facilitating his conversations around the client’s commitments and engaging the client to review each time in follow up sessions on how the client is progressing against his own commitments.
P Review the Progress
An important aspect of the LEAP coaching model is to review Progress. The role of coach is to engage the client in a dialogue to review the actions the client has taken against his own commitments to action. Reviewing Progress could benefit the client in the following the ways:
Progress is eventually what all clients aspire for hence reviewing this progress reinforces the sense of purpose for the client and enables growth & development.
In summary this coaching Model is about enabling the Client to take a –