A Coaching Model Created by Amy Barnhill
Life Coaching with a creative twist
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’. – Erma Bombeck
Talent is defined as a natural aptitude or skill. We all have a talent or something to offer…contributing to the growth of ourselves, our professions, and our communities. And while some may think of talent only in a creative sense of the word, talent can mean many things and creativity can be awakened within all of us.
Through my coaching journey, I re-discovered a lot about who I am while re-connecting to my creative spirit which led me to discover there was a missing piece that I had let slip. While going through my coach training, I was astonished to discover I had the answers to my “life” problems all along. I just needed a coach to support me in finding them which led me to find that “missing piece” of myself-my creative spirit.
This creative spirit allows me to be authentic and expressive while giving me energy, fresh perspective, and an openness to the world around me. This experience is what led me to become a life and creativity coach and to create my model around the element of design. For me, the element of design offers the chance to start with a blank slate to envision and create our ideal self.
We all have a chance to design the ideal version of ourselves.
This coaching model is designed for clients that wish to explore their potential to achieve their personal or creative goals. Whether you want to re-evaluate your values and life purpose, work on specific goals, or need help working through your creative process together we will navigate the Design Model process.
Together as coach and client, we will navigate the process in designing yourself and achieving your personal vision.
We will explore your personal VISION.
Imagine your own masterpiece.
We will REFLECT on what makes you… you.
Understand your values and beliefs.
We will identify your SUPPORT system.
Build structure and resources.
We will plan your ACTIONS for growth.
Commit to your opportunities.
We will ACKNOWLEDGE your journey.
Celebrate your success.
Coaching clients to achieve their potential both in life and creative spirit is my passion.
Coaching by design incorporates established coaching elements and tools. As we go through this coaching model process we will use some of the tools below to help move you toward your goals.
- Visualization
- Mindfulness and self-awareness
- Reflection on perspectives
- Planning, structure, and accountability
- Resources, and support
- Acknowledgment, and celebrations
- Commitment, and action