A Coaching Model Created by Allen Scott Tafoya
(Spiritual Leadership Coach, NEW MEXICO)
Visual Representations:
Picture story to create visual model and logo from when art can be produced:
a Native person “discovering their trail” (amidst other possible trails);
The same Native person “determining their trail” (they choose and commit to their trail, show them walking on their chosen trail with a couple of “other trails” still visible); and finally that Native Person “dancing on their trail” as they begin to express themselves freely and fully (a free style dancer dancing on their trail)
Video Idea:
Put this process in a video format. Have visual pieces tying the person to the trail they choose
When a client comes to me for coaching I believe they will need to successfully experience and complete three major milestones in order to have a meaningful and productive coaching relationship. These steps may be repeated during the course of our coaching relationship as the client works on various issues in their lives, but experiencing and completing them all is significant and essential for success in their coaching. Though there is value in each step, the highest value of coaching is found in completing all three.
The first milestone to reach is one of discovery of truth. The truth to be discovered is entirely up to the client, but in order to move forward in any area or aspect of their life, they must engage in the process of discovering the truth they believe and are acting on. They may need to discover the truth about who they are: talents, strengths, weaknesses, etc. They may need to discover the truth about where they are and how they got there as it relates to the area they need to find freedom and fulfillment in. They may need to discover the truth about the direction they want or need to go to move forward in to experience freedom and fulfillment. They may need to discover the truth about how they need to move forward. What they need to discover is up to them, but the truth is they must engage in the discovery of it!
The second milestone is one of determination. This step involves the process of making of a choice and then acting on it, committing to it. It involves the will. It involves analyzing and considering-what is true or false; benefits and costs; risks and rewards; pro’s and con’s-so they can arrive at a decision about the unique action they want to take. It doesn’t mean committing long term to a choice regardless of the results, but it does mean being committed to the choice long enough to find out what those results are.
The third milestone is one of dance. This step is one of joy and celebration, where they get begin to experience freedom and fulfillment as they live in alignment with their truth, their beliefs and be authentic in who they are and what they do. It also means experiencing support, encouragement and celebration with their coach, whose primary goal is to help the client dance in the truth of who they are!