A Coaching Model Created by Alessandra Ingrosso
(Executive Coach, SWITZERLAND)
To be alight means to be on fire, to feel alive, fully aware of our values and strengths, in tune with our environment and dancing with life; and moving towards our goals aligned with our passions.
Who is ALIGHT for?
ALIGHT is for business professionals who feel stuck in their roles, frustrated with their environment and have a sense of drain from their everyday tasks; as well as for passionate professionals who would like to have a change of direction in their work and personal lives.
Most of us have experienced being fully engaged with our life at work or at home. Perhaps when working on a project that was our idea and represented an opportunity for us to do something new or valuable. In these occasions we felt excitement in everything we did, looked forward to going to work and even long days at the office did not take a toll on us.
On the other hand, when we feel stuck in our work and stagnant in our life, tasks drain us of all our energy, we lose the ability to identify new opportunities or ways to resolve issues, and we may begin to feel hopeless to ever make a change. I call ‘doom butterflies’ that sinking sensation that we sense right in our stomach when we have to face a day at work and feel completely drained. They are the opposite of the good butterflies that we feel when we are excited and looking forward to a good challenge.
The ALIGHT model aims to metamorphose clients’ doom butterflies into happy butterflies, and to help them change their life so they can live according to their values and feel fully alive.
The ALIGHT coaching model explores 3 key areas to transform clients work and personal lives.
<<Find out more about how to create your own Coaching model at ICA>>