A Coaching Model Created by Alejandro Fernandez
(Leadership Coach, COSTA RICA)
A Coaching model to arise from the life’s Ordeals
My Journey
After navigating in a long dark night were I lost from myself. I came out to reclaim redemption and help other initiates into a life of broader possibilities. This is my gift to you, to all the souls lost in the sea of darkness: You will thrive
What is the Dark Night?
The Dancing Through the Dark Night
Tools To Carry In Your Backpack Through The Dark Night
Powerful Questions Sampler
- What if your life’s ordeals are paths to purification rather than mere punishments for our unconscious actions?
- What if we regard the dark times of our life as rite passages to rip off obsolete parts of our identity?
- Are our tribulations real callings to acquire consciousness of our dark side and stop being at its mercy?
- What would happen if our intention to end the dark night is replaced with the intention to contemplate it from a place of wisdom and awareness?
- What would happen if rather than pretend to expel your demons by repressing them –and therefore making them stronger-you sit down and have a cup of tea with them?
- Have you considered that darkness is darkness just because you turn your back at it, rather than lighten it with the eyes of your consciousness?
- What would happen if you regard your dark night as a rebellion from your consciousness rather than a place of depression and trauma?
- Have you considered that the dark night could be a solution to your complex dilemmas that have tormented you for decades?
- What if your dark knight constitutes a way to drain old beliefs that accumulated pain for years? A way to remove the blockage built by your ego to perpetuate an unsustainable identity?
- If you could change the depressive idea of the dark night, what would happen if you look with deep irony and humor this obscure passage?
- How would you feel if you look at your negative emotions not as signs that there is something wrong, but as trials to shape anew person?
- If your dark night could speak to you and tell you that it has come to teach you something, what would it say?