A Coaching Model Created by Akhilesh Chaturvedi
(Executive Coach, INDIA)
1. Introduction
This document describes a coaching process that involves seven steps as a systematic methodology for coaching. This coaching model provides a structured to measure and evaluate coaching results. The model is predominantly created to empower coachee, where coach spends an extensive amount of dedicated time with the cochee to adjust over and above the traditional coaching. Since this model considers 7 Steps (Establish, Evaluate, Envision, Encourage, Execute, Enable, Empower)and designed to empower the coachee, it is named as 7E – Empower Coach Model. These steps simulate the way ICF describes coaching, its partnering process with clients in a thought-provoking and creative style that empowers them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
The EMPOWER model take account of a coachee’s:
The experiences and research suggest that above said points contribute to:
i. stumbling block for coachee
ii. creating blind spots in turn impacts the productivity, relationship, effectiveness and outcome
The 7E-empowering model does take into account these behavioral / innate nature / habitual traits and supports the coachee to weed out and replace with traits that supports the coachee to get collaboration and cooperation while relating with others and to get their willful acceptance.
Finally the model empower’ s coachee to become process dependent and coach independent and bring awareness to embed a way of thinking through situations/current reality and adopt the required changes to outshine.
The process of 7E-empowering model is non-threatening, non-judgmental and non-critical and creates an environment of trust and mutual respect for a coachee to share his or her deep emotions, concerns and discover his/her true potential.
2. Coaching Process
The following are the different phases of coaching model as depicted in the picture below:
2.1 E – Establish
Coaching involves active communication between the coach, the coaching participant, and in case there is an organization involvement the stakeholders. Therefore, the terms of the coaching contract, engagement and guidelines are agreed upon at the very beginning.
Three things happen at this point: