A Coaching Model created by Christina Eder
(Spirituality Coaching, UNITED STATES)
Grace is defined as favor or kindness shown without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what that person deserves. As a spiritual life coach, grace is the foundational principle I will build my practice upon. These footers of GRACE will be dug deep in order to help raise a person to their highest potential. The taller the structure, the deeper the root system must be.
The initial welcome sets the tone for the coaching session, or any personal encounter. I will greet someone with a light energy, using edifying words that will set the stage for growth and openness to take place. Every time a coaching session takes place, the first five minutes will set the stage for uplift, optimism, and forward flowing motion.
Reflection offers a space for the client to scan their mental files and verbally process the action steps they have taken to gain momentum toward their personal goal (s). This action may be a physical movement, a perspective shift, or a new thought process that has begun to harvest.
Acknowledgement of positive movement offers an upward current to help the client soar to their next level of development. My objective is to hold the highest possible potential for a person to achieve and succeed. This is the time to celebrate the client.
Change in Action
The next level of this inner crusade allows for the client to keep moving forward. Through coach-based power questions and dialogue, client will develop a personal strategy to begin their next initiative. I will encourage a client to frame a specific, measurable, laser goal.
Evolution happens when the client takes their goal (s) from the coaching session and launches it into action. This evolution process includes supportive self talk, and actively seeking opportunities to practice their new perception, belief, action. This personal evolution invites a client to replace or refresh their outdated underlying belief.
In using the GRACE coaching model, I anticipate clients unpacking their internal baggage and looking for new choices with a fresh pair of eyes. This perspective shift coaching encourages a client to open their mind to live with unlimited potential based on unlimited perception. Through supportive facilitation, clients will discover that they are able to stretch themselves to reach beyond the level they are currently living.
GRACE is founded on the building concept that the deeper the footers are dug, the higher the structure can be built. Clients will be challenged to mentally and verbally assess their current operating foundation and strengthen areas of mediocrity in order to soar. GRACE will encourage a fullness of life that comes from choosing to live on a higher plane.
With the consistent use of GRACE, the client will uncover the misconception that the only two options in life are perfection or giving up. Growth and development take time. Learning takes time. The adventure ahead of them is never as great as the power behind them in the investment of the coaching relationship. My coaching model objective is to hold the highest possible potential for a person to achieve and succeed.
This graphic is my brand logo for the GRACE coaching model. Every element of my coaching practice will be covered in grace, indicated by the awning format at the top of the model. The arms are the base of the structure, representing the greeting platform that will set the stage for momentum during the coaching session. Open hands indicate a time of reflection that encourages a doorway to discover the client’s spiritual home. The color combination of red, orange, and yellow illustrates the flow of acknowledgement between positive power and lightness. As the client develops their change in action, they are preparing and practicing internal flight while still being connected to the support of coaching arms. Evolution occurs when the client is able to launch their change and take personal freedom in that upward current. The white dove symbolizes purity, peace, liberty, and independence from limiting beliefs and actions.