Coaching Application
Sara is aware to better her relationship and meets her coach Ram, who offers to help her with this situation. Ram explains the confidentially of the meeting and agrees to work with her.
Ram meets Sara for a chemistry session. He starts to ask about their background and how her younger years as a child were. She explains how she and her spouse share a culture for bringing up the young boys. They feel that being friendly to their sons is a best way and did not like control style. Ram asks what is great happening in her son’s cricket life and is able to understand that she is very proud of his achievements.
At the end of chemistry session, Ram asks some few questions to understand what is the problem? Sara explain her situation she is facing and she mentions that she has to reach a state where her son can independently manage his affairs and she is able to experience more patience and serenity in handling situations when she is not going to be around with him. Her main challenge is get over the fear and insecurity. She is not letting herself go. That is a binding and keeping her always to attain control over situations. In this session she is fully aware what she is doing and what results she is getting based on those actions. Ram does active listening and tries to understand what Sara is talking and not talking.
At the end of awareness session, Ram asks Sara some powerful questions:
Sara feels that it is very important to recognize his potential and maturity. At the end of the discussion, Sara is able to clear her thoughts and identifies a solution with her coach, Ram. She decides to go back and sit with her son for the following: