A Coaching Model created by Anthony Zipple, Sc.D., MBA
(Executive Coaching, UNITED STATES)
All men seek one goal: success or happiness. Aristotle
Many of us feel a vague sense of dissatisfaction with our lives, a worry that we do not have the kind of life that we really find satisfying. The goal of Your Coaching Cycle is simple. It helps you to achieve genuine happiness and success on your own terms. Your Coaching Cycle is not a magic pill that you take once to fix all of your problems. It is a way of living that rewards you with a better life… the kind of life that you really enjoy.
Your Coaching Cycle is an elegant and simple approach to helping you to achieve your goals for a better life. It consists of basic five steps, or phases that usually take three to six months to complete. In the first phase Define Who I Really Am, you will develop a clear picture of how your life is today. We will talk about why you have entered coaching and what is important to you. We will take a deep look at who you are, where you have been, and your priorities. We will talk about your values, talents, and preferences. We will look at your skills, experience, and capacities. We will inventory the supports, resources, and environmental factors that affect your life. Our goal in this phase is to help you to answer the questions “How is my life today? and “Do I want to be happier and more successful?”
During the second phase, Define Your Future, you will build on your new understanding of who you are and what your life is today by defining how you really want your life to be. In this phase, you will develop specific goals that will help you achieve the life that you really want to have. These goals may focus on personal areas and involve family relationships or your spiritual life. Your goals can also be related to your job, career, and learning ambitions. Goals may be focused on your social life and building a meaningful community of others around you. At the end of this phase, you will have specific, measurable, and high priority goals that will help you to achieve the life that you want. It is usually best to limit yourself to one or two important, high-priority goals that take focused effort and create real change in your life.
During the third phase, Create Your Plan, you will develop and put into practice practical plans for achieving your goals. These plans are very individualized and tailored to fit your specific style and needs. They involve whatever you need for success from learning new skills to building the support and the resources that you need to succeed.
During the fourth phase of Your Coaching Cycle, Assess Your Success, you will look at your progress and make adjustments to maximize the return that you are getting for your efforts. Each time we meet, you will assess whether you are more satisfied and more successful than you were the week before. If you do not see a positive difference, we will learn from your efforts and improve your plan. At the end of our work, you will have made real progress with your goals and have a happier and more successful life.
During the final phase of Your Coaching Cycle, Recycle the Process as Needed, you will decide if you have accomplished all that you hoped for from our work together. You may find that you have done all of the work that you need to do at this point or you may decide that there is more that you would like to accomplish in our coaching work. We can recycle the process as often as you would like. Often, success with one or two of your goals generates a desire for success in other areas. As you complete your work on your initial goals, we will talk about whether there are additional goals that we should consider. If there is more that you want to do, we will simply recycle the process!
Your Coaching Cycle is a simple and elegant way to improve your success and happiness. Our work together will help you to discover who you are, where you want to be, and find a path to get to a better life. Your Coaching Cycle requires commitment on your part, but your success and happiness are certainly worth the effort.
Happiness is your birthright—and it is readily available at any given moment. Pema Chodron