Sample a Module (English or Chinese)


此远程学习方式非常适合许多教练技能的学习 ,例如,积极的倾听,教练展示,专注以及避免评判等。 其提升对教练能力的观察、学习和实践的体验。 学员们练习如何沟通,判断何时应该停止使用言辞或使用哪些言语更合适,教练式交流是一种能量的互动,甚至在干咳的时候、紧张的笑声或不寻常的停顿之时,都会存在某种交流的暗示。 我们也很自豪地说,我们能够提供最好的远程学习方式,并保持(甚至超前)使用高科技为如今教育界带来的红利。 


ICA has been delivering e-learning since 2001 and have a proven methodology that supports a range of different learning styles.   As soon as you join our school, we set you up with password protected access to the ICA Learnsite. This is where you find all your learning materials, class schedules, community forum etc.  You immediately become a member of our global community. Our learning includes

1. Download and read the coach training module
2. Dial into a class using zoom (facilitated by an ICA Trainer)
3. Post your reflections on the forum