A Coaching Model Created by Maiko Ueno-Murray
(Expats & Expat Spouses Coach, FRANCE)
This model is focused on expats and expat spouses. Living abroad, they face so many challenges such as language barriers, culture shock Continue…
Coach Training School
A Coaching Model Created by Maiko Ueno-Murray
(Expats & Expat Spouses Coach, FRANCE)
This model is focused on expats and expat spouses. Living abroad, they face so many challenges such as language barriers, culture shock Continue…
Research Paper By Jason Gamba
(Health and Wellness Coach, UNITED STATES)
How are Taoism and Coaching related and how can Taoism be utilized in Coaching Practice? Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Sarah Jefferies
(Transformational Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
Like an oasis in the desert that appears from nowhere, the dawning of one’s own ‘abundance’ within an individual Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Cathy Holuk
(Family Enterprise and Leadership Coaching, CANADA)
Has the fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of making a mistake, or some other fear ever prevented Continue…
Research Paper By Paula Maddox
(Executive Coach, UNITED STATES)
I’m a professional photographer with more than 24K images; therefore, I tend to see the world from my own creative Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Lay Li Tan
(Career Coach, SINGAPORE)
Life can be pressurizing and stressful. Every day, we try to fulfill the roles in our lives as a responsible parent Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Simone Noussitou de Rham
(Life & Career Coach, SWITZERLAND)
This coaching model was written to improve my own self-understanding about coaching: what kind Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Tobias Demker
(Leadership coach, CHINA)
I believe it is fair to say that all of us have a need to feel safe. Actually if we look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Continue…
Interview with Mindy Kaleta,
Life Coach, United States
When ICA grad Mindy Kaleta sees a woman who is mindlessly moving through life unaware of her true potential, she feels deeply for her. Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Kimberly Swanson
Everyone has to carry and juggle a unique set of elements in their life. These elements can have a positive impact on our lives, helping us achieve our goals. Continue…
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