Julia Griffin, Diversity Coach
I work in London in the field of equality and diversity education and training and I am also studying with ICA and growing my coaching business. Along with parenting, that is quite a handful! Continue…
Coach Training School
Julia Griffin, Diversity Coach
I work in London in the field of equality and diversity education and training and I am also studying with ICA and growing my coaching business. Along with parenting, that is quite a handful! Continue…
Ange Anderson, Student Coach
After a very successful career in professional development, I was made redundant from a position and company that I loved. In truth, I had been restless in my role for years. Continue…
Mindy J Kaleta, Life Coach
I graduated from ICA as a Certified Professional Coach in 2007. I started my career working as a Wellness Center Coach for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation. Continue…
Sarah Creek, Simplicity Coach
ICA Graduate Sarah Creek is a founder of Pure Simple Change. Sarah has been a Life Coach & Interior Decorator for 23 years working Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Bruno Lucas
(Life Coach, URUGUAY)
Why is it that in general we consider play and work two different things? What is it, apart from the fact that work always comes with a salary Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Handan Ascioglu Ozel
(Life Coach – Empowering Women, Expat & Intercultural Coach, NLP Coach, ITALY)
One of the most known coaching models is GROW (Goal > Options > Reality > Way Forward). Continue…
Coaching Case Study By Magalie van Amerongen
(Expat and Life Coach, BRUNIE)
Tom is 33 and just got promoted to a new position. He is very proud, but feels trapped in a cage. He feels trapped because of his work. Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Magalie van Amerongen
(Expat and Life Coach, BRUNIE)
Having read “The Four Agreements”, I realized the impact of applying assumptions to our daily life. “The Four Agreements” is based on ancient (Toltec) Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Herman Pinto
(Business Coach, UNITED STATES)
Will let you prepare for a session. This is similar to a doctor requiring new patients to provide details on their medical history or to have their existing physician Continue…
Coaching Case Study By Siddharth Arora
(Sales Coach, INDIA)
Vikram, is a senior management consultant in a global consultancy company. He is a 41 year old man, married with 2 small kids. Continue…
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Asia: Duo Tower
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