A Coaching Model Created by Bridgette Raynolds-Perry
(Transitional Coach, UNITED STATES)
Clients are in search of something when they hire a coach: a way to achieve a goal, a plan of action, an answer to a why. They perhaps feel stagnant Continue…
Coach Training School
A Coaching Model Created by Bridgette Raynolds-Perry
(Transitional Coach, UNITED STATES)
Clients are in search of something when they hire a coach: a way to achieve a goal, a plan of action, an answer to a why. They perhaps feel stagnant Continue…
Research Paper By Karina Guareschi
(Business & Executive Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
Over 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in students’ attitudes about failure. They noticed that some students Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Karina Guareschi
(Business & Executive Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
You have core beliefs that guide the decisions you make. They affect how you interpret the events in your life and they influence the way Continue…
Research Paper By Anamaria Ciobanu
(Career Coach, ROMANIA)
There are many studies regarding empowerment, its impact on organization’s success and how it relates to employees’ job satisfaction Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Anamaria Ciobanu
(Career Coach, ROMANIA)
Empowerment increases the capacity of individuals and groups to make choices and transform those choices into effective actions and outcomes Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Anamaria Ciobanu
(Career Coach, ROMANIA)
Empowerment increases the capacity of individuals and groups to make choices and transform those choices into effective actions and outcomes Continue…
Research Paper By Natalia Pliszczak
(Life Coach, ZURICH)
Workplace mobbing is a destructive social process in which individuals, groups, or organizations target a person for ridicule, humiliation Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Natalia Pliszczak
(Life Coach, ZURICH)
Several reasons can lead a client to consult a coach, e.g. lack of life/work balance, lack of purpose in life, mobbing at work, etc. Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Natalia Pliszczak
(Life Coach, ZURICH)
Have you ever noticed that many people blame what happens to them in life to others, or to external events? So many people Continue…
Research Paper By Shripad Ranade
(Leadership Coach, INDIA)
Empathy has been recognised as a concept from the earliest civilisations, and by the earliest philosophers, in some form or the other. Continue…
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