My long-term goal is to become a full-time coach & speaker. For now, I will start by having colleagues from my current work as my clients: I already have a few internal coaching clients. The next step for me is ICF certification, practice & fine-tuning my niche (from Life coach to a more specific niche to be discovered).
Peer coaching! For me, it was one of the most memorable moments in ICA… as I met brilliant people that I helped and that also helped me a lot navigate some challenging times in my life. A class that also changed my life is the Intent class. It introduced me to the Life Pilot tool that I am using as we speak to make my life more intentional. Finally, the books that were referred to me during the various classes were great and the one that touched me the most is “Good morning I love you”! Thanks
Research Paper: Commitment & Self-Love as Accelerators for Coaching
Power Tool: Thinking vs. Feeling
Coaching Model: Heal to Thrive – The 3SUM of Life