Pioneers in
Online Coach Training

Thousands of Online Classes Across 126 Countries, Over 20 Years


Robyn Logan and Sally Bridger are based in Melbourne, Australia and have been leading ICA for over 20 years. The online delivery platform and fully flexible work culture they created back in 2001 was innovative and unique. Today it is living proof that online learning and coaching communities can be powerful and long lasting. ICA has trained thousands of coaches from over 120 countries, and the team are as strong and loyal as ever with over half of the current team serving with the company for more than 15 years.


Rossella Pin, MCC
Leadership Executive Coach
Venice, ITALY

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PoYee Poon Dorrian, MCC
Leadership Executive Coach
Ohio, USA

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Sunita Chhibar, MCC
Executive Coach
Mumbai, INDIA

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Razan Kilani, MCC
Transformational Coach

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Katerina Kanelidou, MCC
Leadership & Team Coach
Athens, GREECE

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Jonathan Hermida, PCC
Transformation Coach
Florida, USA

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Linda Deluca, PCC
Business Coaching
Hampton Cove, USA

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Caroline Weishan Wu, PCC
Mindful Leadership Coach
Washington DC, USA

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Tina Smith, PCC
Parent & Relocation Coach
Kenilworth, UK

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Rob Stringer, PCC
Youth Coach
Ontario, CANADA

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Lucy Romao Vandepol, PCC
Wellness Coach
Ontario, CANADA

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Han Ee Lim, PCC
Executive Team Coaching
Singapore, SINGAPORE

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Dinko Barbalic, PCC
Leadership & Wellbeing Coach
Louisiana, USA

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Alexandra Fay, PCC
Business & Life Coach

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Katja Von Glinowiecki, PCC
Intercultural Coach
Rielasingen, GERMANY

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Which School Should you Choose?

Are you considering Coach Training but not sure where to start?  There's so many options with different schools, programs, certifications and pathways.  We asked our community what criteria they used when choosing their school and then packaged it up into a quick checklist that might be useful for you.  Let us know if you have any specific questions.