Coach Certification for students living in Switzerland

Start a New Career, Or Add Coaching to Your Current Profession

Welcome to the world of coaching!

If you’re looking to take your coaching skills to the next level, look no further than Coach Training in Switzerland. With our extensive range of professional coaching programs, we provide the perfect foundation for aspiring coaches to learn and develop their skills. ICA programs are designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to help you become a successful coach.

Begin your certified coach education today and graduate within 8 - 12 months. 

81% of coaches who responded to the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Global Coaching study 2020, strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that people they received coaching from needed to be certified or credentialed.

ICF Global Study Into Coaching (2020)

Clients are Looking for Certified Coaches

When coaching was a new profession, it was perfectly acceptable to simply call yourself a coach. But today, the coaching profession is well-developed across many industries and professions around the globe. So the need to specialise and showcase your uniqueness is increasing. International Coach Academy graduates hold an international certification that is recognized both globally, as well as locally within Switzerland.

You will graduate from your ICA program with the skills to coach anyone, anywhere in the world. But we will also teach you how to specialize and attract clients.

Here’s how we can help you:

  • Look at your background. See how it intersects and how it can be blended with coaching.
  • Ask you two specific questions. Who do you want to coach? And how do you want to coach?

From this, you will create your own niche and coaching model. Additionally, you’ll be able to showcase your unique strengths, coaching skills, and expertise to future employers or clients.

ICA Coaches Living or Working In Switzerland

All ICA Coaches Graduate With a Unique Coaching Identify. They Develop Their own Coaching Model and Niche.

Key Benefits


of ICA Graduates were extremely satisfied with Faculty's experience and expertise


of ICA Graduates felt ICA provided them with the skills needed to practice as a coach


of ICA Graduates said they would recommend ICA to others interested in coach training.


of ICA Graduates shared that ICA provided the support needed to navigate their studies.

Enrollment and Tuition for Students Living in Europe

Every coaching training program has set number of hours and participation requirements, with the full program released at the time of enrolment.  Fees can be settled via a single payment (with 5% saving) or via a payment plan (interest free).  All programs are accredited with the International Coach Federation. Students can fast track or take their time. Our faculty and support team will guide you through your studies, providing the learning and support needed for success.

What Certification is Best For You?

The Certification you need will depend on how you plan to use coaching.  For example, are you wanting to introduce a coach approach into your life or workplace, or are you wanting to set yourself up with a private coaching practice or take on the role of corporate coach?