With Merci Miglino, MCC
Most folks think of structure as something that makes you feel confined or limited. But the lack of structure can feel even worse. Consider a different kind of structure, for example, like the walls in your house which keep you protected from the elements.
Or your TO DO list which helps you get things done. Structures really help us stay organized and on track especially in those areas where we find it difficult to achieve.
For example, you have a commitment to healthy eating. What structures would you put in place to make sure you eat healthy, because it can be pretty challenging, right?
One way to look at structures is to consider that everything in your life is a structure that supports something you are committed to. From this perspective, you have the choice to keep things that support your commitments, or to replace things that do not support you, with structures that do.
Finding freeing structures vs confining ones takes some exploration and this is where a coach comes in handy. He or she can brainstorm with you and together you can create those structures. When the structure needs to be fine tuned or re-aligned, the coach can help you get out of that pattern and find a new way to stay committed to your goals. It works when those goals require a certain measure of persistence on your part.
Remember – Creating structures allows you freedom to keep your commitments to yourself and others.