A Coaching Model Created by Irene Adams
(Mindful Coach & Consulting, CANADA)
It’s good to have an end in mind but in the end what counts is how you travel. – Orna Ross
The mind is everything. What you think you become – Buddha
The Mindful Coaching Model is designed to facilitate transformation in your personal and/or professional life to gain freedom and make more empowering choices. Imagine a life where you feel deeply connected in your relationships, authentically express yourself and feel inspired by your work.
Many of us live busy and hectic lives struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. There are often two main aspects associated with work-life balance, and the first is lack of time and scheduling conflicts, and the other is feeling overwhelmed, overloaded, stressed, irritable and exhausted by the pressures of multiple roles and multi-tasking. By living this way one does not live in balance.
Be happy for this moment. For this moment is your life. – Omar Khayyam
Coaching Process
MEET and establish the coaching relationship:
I will always be ethical. I will connect, build trust and express confidentiality, thereby creating a safe place for you to ensure that you are comfortable and at ease, without judgment. Throughout the coaching session, I will communicate effectively and listen intently.
INVESTIGATE your situation:
This second step involves questions surrounding your behaviours and actions, as well as your assumptions and ways of seeing. As questions can be naturally related to action they spark and direct attention, perception, energy and effort, and are at the heart of evolving your life. In summary, this step is to define how you perceive you are living your life.
In the third step, powerful and open-ended questions will help you uncover your hopes, needs, values and desires. By re-framing perspectives it allows you to unbundle the complexities of inner dialogue, facilitate self-reflection, motivate by planting seeds, transform perceptions and uncover different perspectives thereby creating awareness, and enabling you to become mindful. It is when you realize your own answers you gain ownership of your situation which in turn manifests action to occur.
DEVELOP the plan:
This step is to develop your plan and put practice into motion with supporting structures and techniques. Generally, there are two types of practices to become mindful. One is in alignment with cognitive behavioural therapy in that your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings create your actions, and the other is based on meditative practices. Regardless of your approach, being mindful requires commitment and practice each and every day. It is about living in the present, not the past or the future, without being judgmental. When being mindful is paired with drive and determination empowerment is also gained which will provide you with greater success in reaching your goals. As everyone is unique in their own way, the plan will be structured to your individualized needs and desires.
Proverbs 23:7 For as a man think in his heart, so is he.
In each follow up session we will look at your progress and acknowledge accountability. Based on your success the plan can be modified at any time to ensure your needs are being met. I will continue to provide encouragement, and always celebrate your success.
LIVE – Definition: To continue to have life; remain alive.
While all humans live life, there are varying degrees to which we do so. The Mindful Coaching Model is designed to improve your quality of life. Once you incorporate being mindful into your everyday living transformation will occur creating a higher state of consciousness. It is at this level that your quality of life is improved providing greater happiness, peace, contentment, balance, as well as greater success.
Mindfulness isn’t difficult; we just need to remember to do it. – Sharon Salzberg