A Coaching Model Created by Annie Yi-Ju Huang
(Spiritual Coach, AUSTRALIA)
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -‐ Howard Thurman
The CREATE Coaching Model is about creating changes, not just in how you think and what you do, but also in who you are as a person. As your coach, I provide a safe and supportive space in which you could declare your commitment to change, examine your current reality, explore future possibilities, take consistent and powerful actions, realise your potential and transform into the person you have always wanted to be.
This approach is action-‐oriented and requires nothing less than your full commitment in the process. You are responsible for the outcomes of your actions and decisions. You will not, however, be alone. You will find in me an equally committed growth partner throughout the process who will motivate, support as well as challenge you to achieve your highest potential.
Step 1. Commit
The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. -‐ Goethe
You start your journey with a desire to change, whether it is a burning desire or just a faint uneasiness with your current situation that something is not quite right. The change you want could seem small or it could be life-‐changing, from exercising one day a week to starting your own business. You may not have a clear idea of your goal, or you may not know how to achieve it, but you have a hunger that you cannot quite explain and you are willing to declare your commitment to change. As your coach I am also committed – committed to our alliance to support you to the best of my ability on your exciting journey of personal transformation, providing your with a safe, trusting and confidential space in which to fully express yourself, while upholding all the ethical and professional requirements of the coaching profession. Wed also establish what you want to achieve, the scope of coaching and the ground rules for working together so as to clarify our expectations.
Sample Questions:
- So what brought you here?
- What do you know about coaching? Have you been coached before?
- What do you expect to get out of it? What do you know is expected of you?
- What are you willing to put into your own personal transformation?
- On a scale of 1-‐10, how committed are you to change? Why?
- How can I best support you as a coach?
Step 2. Reality check
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Arthur Ashe
I will look at your current reality (“where you are”) with you by listening actively to your story and asking you probing questions in order for you to understand your current reality and its impact on you. We will also explore your underlying values and beliefs as you become aware of how they impact you and whether they support or impede your desired outcome. You then have the choice to align your current reality and future actions with these values and beliefs, or to discard them.
Sample Questions:
- What do you want to focus on today?
- What outcome do you want to achieve by the end of the session?
- How would you know when you have achieved it? What will that look/ feel like?
- How does it impact you and others?
- How does it make you feel? What is your inner dialogue in that situation?
- What is holding you back? What is it costing you to continue holding back?
Step 3. Explore
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. -‐ T.S. Eliot
Together we will explore your desired outcome (“where you want to go”) and the many options and possibilities available to you (“how to get there”). I invite you to evaluate the various options and make a thoughtful choice that is aligned with your deepest values and beliefs. I help you to create a vision, set SMART goals, as well as build structures to support you to achieve what you set out to achieve. The strengths, experiences and skills that you already possess will be explored too in order to build up your confidence and capability to tackle your goals. If you are still uncertain or feel “stuck”, we explore these doubts and feelings too. By reframing, I help move you from a disempowering to an empowering perspective. You willl further raise your awareness to a world full of possibilities and your own amazing potentiality.
Sample Questions:
- What does your ideal future look like?
- Will this help you move towards it?
- What are the benefits and downsides of each option?
- What factors will you use to weigh up the options?
- What gives you joy or fulfilment? What energises you?
- What do you value most in life? What do you like best about yourself?
- What beliefs are stopping you from achieving your ideal future? 8. What are some alternative empowering beliefs that will help you?
Step 4. Action
A year from now you will wish you had started today. -‐ Karen Lamb
You understand the importance of taking actions but you have been unable to take the necessary actions to reach your desired outcome, or you have taken many actions but they do not seem to yield the results you want. As your coach I support you every step of the way, especially at the beginning where change is the hardest. You are now willing to draw the line in the sand and take the first step towards your desired outcome. You are also aware of the hard work and sacrifices that you need to take as well as the possible obstacles and setbacks. I will be your cheerleader, motivate and enthuse you to take action and with your permission hold you accountable to the promises you make to yourself and to the world. I aim to fill you with hope, enthusiasm so you cannot wait to jump in and get your hands dirty. As you take action after action, you gradually build up confidence and momentum, and, before you know it, you become unstoppable!
Sample Questions:
- What will you do? When will you do it by?
- What resources do you currently have that will help you? What else do you need?
- Have you done something similar before? What did you learn from the experience that can help you now?
- What challenges or obstacles may occur? How will you overcome them?
- On a scale of 1-‐10, how committed are you to taking this action? Why?
- How would I know it to celebrate with you?
Step 5. Transform
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. -‐ Eleanor Roosevelt
By taking focused, consistent actions, you transform not only the things around you but also the person you choose to show up in the world. You embody your deepest values and beliefs and incorporate them into your daily habits and routines. You have great self-‐awareness of your feelings, thoughts and behaviours and are in control of them rather than being controlled by them and operating on an autopilot mode most of the time. You develop great trust in yourself as a whole, creative and resourceful person and in your ability to achieve your desired outcomes and overcome the obstacles on your way.
Sample Questions:
- What has changed since we started our coaching journey?
- What did you do that made the change successful?
- How do you feel about this new “you” or situation?
- How will you sustain the new change?
- What structures will you change to hold things in place?
- What do you think will change next?
Step 6. Evaluate
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I’ll try again tomorrow. -‐ Mary Ann Radmacher
This is the final stage where we review and reinforce the awareness, actions taken and the results achieved. I will also invite feedback from you on what you have learned from the coaching process and what you would like to do differently in future sessions. Instead of focusing on what went wrong or actions not taken, the emphasis is on acknowledging and celebrating the positives and the progress made so far. I encourage you to accept any setbacks as part of the learning process and be gentle and patient with yourself instead of being self-‐ critical or judgemental.
Sample Questions
- How did you go?
- What is your overall satisfaction?
- What was hard/ easy? Why?
- What worked/ didn’t work? Why?
- What did you learn about yourself? What are you going to do different?
- How can I better support you as a coach in the future?
In conclusion, I believe strongly in the coaching process and its ability to allow people to learn and grow. By taking small yet powerful actions consistently towards a desired outcome that are aligned with your deepest values and beliefs, you will be transformed into a self-‐aware and self-‐ actualised person, capable of creating your unique and meaningful path on earth. I cannot wait to start supporting you on this exciting journey of personal transformation.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. -‐ George Eliot