A Coaching Power Tool created by Shraddha Trasi
(Passion Coaching, INDIA)
What essentially does ‘Gratitude’ mean?
Now if we think about ‘Worry’, how would our world look?
Gratitude may be perceived as a feeling of being thankful n grateful. But if looked at closely, it actually involves having an awesome level of awareness, wherein the individual, takes time to look at all the events happening in one’s life and chooses to acknowledge the ones that are working well.
This beautiful feeling of gratitude also encapsulates, acknowledging our abilities, our skills, and our capabilities and thanking the giver for providing us with so many possibilities that are waiting to get converted into opportunities.
This amazing attitude of Gratitude allows us or ensures that we open ourselves to the endless possibilities in our life. It makes us acknowledge the fact that sometimes, some things do not work out in a manner as perceived by us, simply so as to bring outcomes that are for our best good, which we may have been incapable of perceiving.
The attitude of Gratitude essentially humbles us, allows us to be thankful for all the beautiful things in our life – but the BEST / MAJOR side effect that this attitude has on us is – It converts us into choosing to see all the beautiful things in our life, in-spite of having scarcity of certain things we desire, in-spite of everything in our life not appearing hunky dory.
This attitude truly displays a choice that each one makes- A choice of seeing the beautiful and appreciating it rather than looking at what’s lacking and complaining about it