A Coaching Power Tool created by Nicki McClusky
(Life Coach, USA)
What are UAC’s?
In the coaching world, we often refer to and explore concepts that are powerful tools for living. We are primarily in search of that which will empower our clients and ourselves to design and live a life we truly want…one that is delicious and magnificent. International Coach Academy, an outstanding coach training program, created the concept, Underlying Automatic Commitments or UAC’s to describe one of the most powerful elements governing, facilitating or prohibiting change. It is built upon the following basic premise:
Whatever a person is truly committed to they will experience.
(See www.InternationalCoachAcademy.com)
The acronym, UAC, could also be thought to mean Unconsciously Accepted Concepts (N. Mc.). When we unconsciously believe or accept an idea, concept or philosophy as truth, it will have an enormous impact on our lives. It is the invisible engine that powers the boat, so to speak. This “engine” may function beautifully, allowing us to steer and navigate our lives toward enchanting islands of success and gratification. However, non-beneficial UAC’s will work against our best efforts; no matter how hard we work to steer into optimal waters, we don’t sail or anchor well. We may feel adrift or wind up getting stuck on a sand bar, over and over. And try as we might, we cannot figure out how to change; we keep producing outcomes that are consciously unwanted.
As we know, coaching is all about change, growth, desired life design, building prospering businesses and creating joyful, spirit-filled lives. Sometimes we work with ease (or effort) to shift mindsets in order to live our life purpose(s), live from our values, and let our spirits soar. However, none of this is possible if we continually experience forces within that render us unable to manifest the change we say we want. Sometimes we cannot understand why we produce results in our lives that we say we absolutely do not want yet seem powerless to change.
We, of course, are far from powerless. And yet we need the beacon or lighthouse of awareness to shine fully and illuminate that which trips us up.
We open ourselves to inner inquiry, devoted to finding and seeing whatever it is that produces results we do not want and keeps us stuck.
The place to look is within. That which we accept automatically and unconsciously will become a habitually acted-out commitment. Especially when we accept that which may be untrue (or may not have to be), we’re probably functioning in an area that needs both truth and light for accurate seeing. With clarity comes the possibility of profound change.
No matter how we define UAC’s, they are thought to be largely unconscious. Once we become aware or conscious about that which keeps us from manifesting the best and brightest in us, we can then choose to either work through that which sabotages changes we wish to make or stay stuck.
Our UAC’s are commitments we’ve been encouraged to make throughout our development by words and deeds of others, or ones we hatch up by ourselves along the way. These commitments or concepts shape our mindsets and emerge from deeply held beliefs that have usually been heretofore unexamined. We don’t even know that the “river” of commitment lies deep in our consciousness and runs a course contrary to that which serves us best.
Magnificent UAC’s
Of course, we celebrate our constructive and magnificent UAC’s that promote joyful, beautiful living. We want those to “stick” forever. They allow us to create, to change, to become who we are at the core of our being…our essence. They cause us no angst or trouble; these are our thoughts, deep beliefs, decisions and unconscious permissions that really work for us. And we are usually aware of them.
Staying Stuck in Non-Beneficial UAC’s
It’s the UAC that does not work for us that we’ll address here. When we’re stuck in an unhelpful or powerful UAC that works against our conscious intention, we need to find out exactly what it is. We need to notice it, name it, metabolize it, know about it from top to bottom, and change that to which we are committed…making a recommitment that then becomes automatic.
An Example from your life:
See if you can formulate one of your UAC’s here. Clearly and concisely state one you can presently name. Often we’ll hear the words “can’t,” “never,” “don’t,” “won’t,” “wrong,” “not enough,” “always,” “not,” “lack,” “stuck” “powerless,” etc. in a UAC statement. Please be as specific as possible.
UAC: __________________________________________________________
Please guess how old you were/are when making this decision or began believing what you were saying: ____. (This part of you is active now.)
The Function of a UAC
Before we change a UAC, it is often helpful to understand what it is doing for us now. Consider these possibilities:
1. How might it be protecting you? From what?__________________________
2. If there is any wisdom within this UAC, what might it be?_______________
3. What might you feel if you were to “square off” with this UAC and challenge its validity?
4. Who in your life now might it upset if you change your mind about your UAC?
5. What will change in your life if you recommit yourself to something else that serves you better?
6. What prohibitions have you been living by as you’ve honored this UAC?
7. If you give your Self permission to change, what permission will you need to deeply embrace?
8. What will your inner “Gremlin” or “Monstering Magpie” have to say about you changing your UAC?
9. What has this UAC given you?_____________________________________
10. If you transform this UAC, how will you cope with its loss?_____________
11. Is there any way in which this UAC has kept you from fully maturing?
12. If you don’t work through this UAC and instead, stay stuck in it, how will it
continue to affect your life?___________________________________________
13. What story will you keep telling yourself and others to keep this dysfunctional UAC fully alive?
14. How do you “feed” your UAC?____________________________________
15. What missing piece keeps missing in order for this UAC to exert power over you?
16. And most importantly, how does this UAC keep you from living fully from your soul?
New Awareness, Consciousness Now
What are you now aware of that formerly eluded you?______________________
What compassionate thing would you like to say to your (age)_____ yr. old Self that initiated or believed this UAC?_____________________________________
When we become curious about and deeply explore what keeps us stuck and what might free us, we have begun to potentially change our UAC’s.
Additional Awareness’s You Have:
Working Through UAC’s
In order to change, we must first commit ourselves to the “working through” process. Becoming aware or conscious about how our UAC has functioned or has served us is not enough. It’s a great beginning, however.
There are several important steps we get to take in the “working through” process: Noticing, Acknowledging, Neutralizing & Metabolizing, Knowing, Recommitting and Practicing.
Step 1: Noticing
Our first task is to begin noticing how we stop ourselves. We must ascertain “what” UAC stops us, and begin to explore its components. At this point in the process, we commit ourselves to becoming excellent detectives.
Our “noticing” needs to remain neutral and non-judgmental: “Isn’t that interesting,” might become a frequent phrase we hear ourselves say.
We may discover various “sites” in our inner experience where noticing occurs—where we can get clues about where a UAC is lurking.
A. Bodies
We may notice little flickers of feeling, small tensions in certain parts of our bodies, or that we limit our breathing. We might notice that we carry a lot of tension in our shoulders or that our necks are stiff. Seeing that our legs and arms are crossed when we sit or speak with another begins to arouse our wondering: “What might that be about?” We may find ourselves smiling a lot or laughing. We want to inquire about this as well; we’re curious about everything.
1. What do you notice in your body right now that may be a physical clue about a UAC you have?
2. What remains chronically tight or constricted?_________________________
3. Where in your body are you usually relaxed?__________________________
4. How would you describe your breathing?_____________________________
B. Inner Chatter
We need to notice what our inner chatter or inner dialogue is saying. It has a powerful influence over you/us; we have a powerful influence over it as well. At this step in the process, however, our task is to simply notice what we’re saying to ourselves—nonstop.
Is your Self talk uplifting, down-putting, informational, highly emotional, etc.? Is it filled with Self judgment, gratitude, despair, or joy?_______________________
What kind of feelings do you wind up with after you’ve been under the influence of your inner chatter? And how would you describe your most dominant, constant inner voice? Is it friendly, cruel, frightened, secure, loving, encouraging, constructive or destructive? Do you have a name for it? ___________________
Let’s make some space here right now for you to work with your verbal inner noticings:
1. How would you describe your most dominant inner chatter?______________
2. How does it make you feel?________________________________________
3. What kind of inner chatter would you prefer?__________________________
4. How might you feel?_____________________________________________
5. What phrases do you typically say to yourself to describe why you can’t do something?
C. Behavior(s)
It has been said that if you want to know what you deeply believe or truly want, just look at your behavior—look at what you do. It speaks volumes and gives us multiple clues about the presence and power of a UAC in your life.
Notice three behaviors you’re not entirely comfortable with that may be derivatives or indications of a UAC:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
Remember, at this stage in the process we are simply becoming great noticers.
We want you to notice the main quality of what you say to yourself throughout your day, how you behave, and how it makes you feel; your Self talk and your current behavior profoundly reinforce any UAC you might have. Conversely, new Self talk and new behavior(s) are keys to getting unstuck as well.
Step 2. Naming UAC’s
Things are likely becoming clearer to you as you continue to notice clues in your body, thoughts in your head, feelings you have, and ways you behave. Earlier, you named one of your UAC’s or a phrase that describes it. And you’ve begun exploring what this UAC has done for you—it’s function in your life. Good for you!
Let’s see how you might name a UAC you spot in someone else:
An Example:
Sheila walks into a room, goes to her closet that is crammed with clothes and shoes, and begins to breathe shallowly. She opens the closet door and notices her self talk: “I’m such a greedy pig!” “Look at all this stuff I have that I never even use.” “I can’t find anything pleasing to wear even though my closet is bursting at the seams.” “I’ll never be able to sort out this mess.” Then she takes off her clothes and throws them into the bottom of the closet. Sheila grabs the first outfit she sees and closes the door. She walks away, feeling like a victim.
Concisely, please name the UAC that you think might be lurking in Sheila’s unconscious mind:
Noticings about her body:____________________________________________
Noticings about her Self Talk:_________________________________________
How it likely made her feel:___________________________________________
Noticings about her Behavior:_________________________________________
There is no wrong answer here. Different people will notice and name UAC’s that they can resonate with—cousins of UAC’s in one’s Self. So, when we think we spot something in another person, we also have a chance to notice something that may be in ourselves as well.
Please remember that our noticing is constantly in service of unearthing formerly unseen things so that we can bring them to consciousness and make new choices that facilitate change. We’re going to become sensitive to energy.
Step 3: Acknowledgment
After noticing and naming comes acknowledgment—saying more about “what is so.” We need to elaborate about the truth of a matter, without judgment or criticism. Please acknowledge your Self for going in search of UAC’s, for wanting to change, and for entering a process that will help you do so. I highly recommend that you acknowledge yourself for each constructive step you take, including facing every aspect of a UAC.
We have two kinds of acknowledgment so far:
1. saying what is so about the UAC (without judgment)
2. acknowledging your Self for each step you take in this transformational process.
There is a third kind of acknowledgment we’ll want to include at this stage in the change process:
3. acknowledging the possibility of inner and outer change.
The fourth acknowledgment is a statement of change, for it is beginning of a recommitment:
4. through constructive language, state the opposite of the former UAC.
Here’s a place to practice:
1. Acknowledge your UAC by saying what is so:_______________________
2. Acknowledge your Self positively:________________________________
3. It is possible to change:_________________________________________
4. My new UAC (opposite the old one) is:_____________________________
You have begun to neutralize and metabolize your old UAC by working through the “acknowledgment steps.” Way to go!
Step 4: Neutralize and Metabolize
When we neutralize things that have been toxic or not in our best interests, we, in fact, take energy away from them and re-invest that energy in a new, constructive focus—a new life-giving, magnificent Underlying Automatic Commitment (or Unconsciously Accepted Concept). We metabolize or break down elements of a non-beneficial UAC, keep only what is useful, and release that which is not. We keep “crunching up” (emotional chewing) parts of the “stuckness” or icky feelings that a destructive UAC elicits so that it no longer sits in us as resistance or as an impediment to change.
A powerful and efficient way to neutralize an unhelpful or “stuck” UAC is to unplug it from its power source (like unplugging an appliance when we’ve overloaded an electrical circuit). You and I need to locate the core charge in the UAC that makes us vulnerable to keep repeating/recharging it blindly. Instead, we need to metabolize what is going on as we transform the energy and rewire the circuitry.
For example, let’s take a universally shared UAC and locate the core charge in the middle of it. Please read this sentence out loud:
“No matter what I do, I can’t make it happen.”
“No matter what I do, I can’t change (me or them).”
Imagine that you have this UAC. (If you don’t, just try it on for a minute.)
1. Let’s first notice how this UAC makes you feel:_________________________
2. What do you notice in your body?___________________________________
3. What kind of Self talk did you immediately hear after you said, “No matter what I do, I can’t make it happen” or “No matter what I do, I can’t change.”
4. Describe the charge in this statement; how does it make you feel?
5. What is charging/driving your behavior?_____________________________
Transforming the core energy in a UAC
Now, let’s look a little deeper by searching for the core emotional charge in the statement, “No matter what I do, I can’t make it happen/change.”
1. Remember when you couldn’t make something happen or change, and describe it briefly. ________________________________________________________________
2. What one thing did you need to make “this” different?___________________
3. How could you have met your need?________________________________
4. If you needed some assistance, who or what did/do you need to secure?
5. How would your energy feel way down deep in your core if you got your need met?
6. What one other thing might you have tried to “make it happen or change?
7. How will you give this to your Self now:
8. Circle anything that increases the energy charge in you or your UAC while not getting your needs met:
a. frustration
b. shame
c. defeat
d. giving up
e. not knowing how
f. needing to be perfect the first time
g. needing permission to fail and try again
h. trouble asking for help
i. a new mindset
j. self judgment
9. Like lightening, unmet needs produce erratic energy charges. Name your need:
You can transform the core power in your non-beneficial UAC with a positive charge—permissioning yourself to get some kind of need met. Your needs might include the need for:
You are the best one to initiate meeting your own needs, including asking for help where and when you truly need it. Interestingly, not having your needs met will keep your energy charge low and contribute to you not having enough power to get your current needs met. Once you decide to change this, your core energy will be given a huge power boost.
Your “energy factory” around need-meeting will need re-vamping:
1. Spot your needs
2. Creatively think of ways to fill them
3. Put your energy totally in that direction
4. Continually give yourself permission to meet your needs
5. Take action that affirms, “I matter,” “I count,” “I’ll do it.”
As you meet whatever need you have, write a statement that will help unplug/neutralize the old UAC and energize the new one:
Example: “Now that I know how, I can make this happen step by step.”
Soul Power
Another great tool for transforming the core energy in a UAC is looking at it from your soul’s wisdom or perspective and seeing the falsehood lodged therein.
Write down what your soul would wisely say is most true:_________________
Step 6: Knowing
You now know a lot. You are awake. You’ve become aware. You’ve moved from unconsciousness to consciousness, and are investing new energy in noticing, observing and working toward change. Your unhelpful UAC’s are changing as you transform your energy, creating UAC’s that are magnificent.
Please stop now and acknowledge your Self in some way that feels wonderful.
Write it down:_____________________________________________________
Knowing what makes you vulnerable to form a non-beneficial UAC
1. What makes you vulnerable to do this?______________________________
2. How will you “spot” this and release it so it cannot take hold of or gain power over you again? You do know the answer:
3. What needs do you know you must get met in order to build constructive and powerfully beautiful UAC’s?
4. You know you can rely on wise inner parts of you to help you neutralize and metabolize unhelpful UAC’s. How will your soul help you do this in the future?
5. What is the single most powerful thing you now know that will help you?
Step 7: Recommitting and Practicing
You are becoming a magnificent noticer, namer, acknowledger, neutralizer/metabolizer and knower. Now you will develop new muscles called “recommitting and practicing.”
Please write out your most general “re commitment” statement about a limiting UAC you wish to change. Remember to flip over any non-beneficial UAC into its opposite—a positive or beautiful UAC you will embrace from now on. Here is your re commitment and how you will practice it: ________________________________________________________________
How you will practice this:
It is well known that it takes approximately 90 days to change a habit. When we transform the “core energy” within that which drives a habit by knowing what it is and what need we must satisfy, we can produce the change that we want much sooner. We are working at deep levels here; you can quantum-develop that which you are seeking when you recommit yourself to a new, empowering UAC and make specific plans for practicing/implementing it:
1. Former, specific UAC:____________________________________________
How you will practice:
2. Former, specific UAC:____________________________________________
How you will practice:
You are now changing your thoughts, feelings and actions. You’ve dug down deep and have shed light into that which you could not see clearly before. You have taken the responsibility to change your mindsets, beliefs, and commitments, fostering that which will serve you (and the world) well. You are doing this step by step, which is the only trustworthy way to create profound change.
You’ll notice that your patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving are changing. You no longer feel driven to do that which does not serve you; instead, you are more empowered and in charge of your emerging Underlying Automatic Commitments or Unconsciously Accepted Concepts, and now have a tool box of workable things to do when you spot a need for change. You are rewiring and transforming your energy system at your core.
Congratulations! Magnifico! I want to acknowledge you for producing “hard-work miracles” in your own life that you now know are possibilities waiting to manifest. Go forward and Bless your Self.