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Our Advisors are all Graduates of ICA. They can help you get clarity on your goals and the best school for you.

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Connect with an ICA Expert to get your questions answered.

Connect with an ICA Expert to get your questions answered.  They can help you map out which study option will best suit your learning style, coaching goals, budget and timeframe for completion.   Book an appointment here.

What days & times do I need to be available for study?

The programs are structured (set number of hours and course areas) and there’s an international schedule with over 30 times each week across 4 time zones. You are the one that decides which days and times you attend. Read more

Who will be in my cohort?

ICA has ongoing intakes with new students joining each month.

But, unlike traditional cohort learning, where you are restricted to an allocated group with a set start and end date, you get to choose if, and which, your group to join.  The commonality might be language, country or even niche.  You also have the option to create your own group.

In summary, you get to choose the people you would like to learn and connect with, and there’s students in over 126 countries also wanting to share and collaborate.

What if I need to take a break from my studies?

Needing to take a break?

All students have the option to defer for up to 6 months.  During this time we will ‘stop the clock’ on your studies. When you are ready to return, we’ll get you set up again and back into your studies.

View Student Handbook

Refund Policy

ICA has a 45 day learning guarantee. If you do not find benefit in your program and would like to withdraw within the first 45 days, you will be refunded all fees paid (less 10% admin).  You will be certified for any classes attended.

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Who will be 'sitting' next to me in classes and labs

ICA’s programs are flexible, with the option to fast track or take your time.  For this reason, you will find students from different learning levels in your classes (some just starting out, and others nearing completion).  The benefit being that you can learn from those who have ‘been there’ before you and collaborate with those at your same level. You will also find that the students in your classes and labs are most likely in the same country or time zone.

What happens after graduation?

All graduates join ICA’s alumni, where they can continue developing their networks, friendships and coaching resources.  ICA Coaches can also continue selected classes and labs for 6 months post graduation via the graduate program (free)

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Rossella Pin


Julia Griffin
(All Regions)

Susan McCauley


Viya Chen

Meet Our Graduates

View Our 2022 Graduate Yearbook

The ICA Graduate Yearbook is not only a great showcase for our  ICA Coaches, it is an excellent way to get a feel for our coaching community. Every ICA Coach develops their own unique niche and coaching model during their studies. This means they walk away with a Coaching Portfolio that is entirely their own IP. Our coaches tell us they use this all the time with new and current clients. It helps them communicate what they do in a clear and simple way. So make sure you click through and check out the Coaching Portfolios of our amazing 2022 graduates.

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What Our Students Say

What Sort Of Coach Will You Be?

The one thing that all coaches have in common is that they feel a natural talent or desire to create positive change in their lives, or the lives of others.  But, within this profession there's many different niches and applications.  Take our quick quiz to find out what sort of coach you will be.