FlipIt Sample Pack

(with self-coaching worksheet)

The FLIPIT Coaching Framework

Instruction Guide


ICA Power Tools

The Power Tools Cards are at the heart of FlipIt. They were created from the idea that at any given time our perspective on a given situation or event is a choice. A choice you can "flip".

Use the Power Tools cards with FlipIt to create new and more empowering perspectives.


Introductory Module: Reframing Perspectives

Perspective is a point of view; a way of looking at or interpreting a set of events. We all have perspectives about our world and the circumstances we find ourselves in. And it’s your perspective that determines your experience in life, not your circumstances.

It’s a bit like wearing glasses. If your glasses have a yellow tint, you will see the world with a yellow tint. Over time you might forget that your glasses are tinted yellow and you start to believe that the world, through your eyes, has a yellow glaze to it.

FlipIt Shop

Purchase a FlipIt pack to use with your clients, workshop participants, employees or around the kitchen table with your family.