Complete the form below, finalise your tuition, and set up your student logins.  You will be instantly connected with your learnsite and can begin planning your study timetable.

Flexible Study. Flexible Plans.

Students joining ICA's training can either settle their fees with one single payment (and benefit from an early bird saving) or take their time with via a 12 month payment plan (interest free).   Both options are all-inclusive - meaning  no hidden costs, no unexpected certification hurdles,  no additional taxes, and full access to our coaching community.

When you pay via a payment plan, we release the full program to you upon receipt of your first can start that same day, or find a class that suits your schedule and jump in whenever you feel ready.

How Are Payments Processed?

Payment plans are available via automatic monthly credit card payments; Visa, Mastercard and Amex.  We are not able to accept Debit cards for payment plans.  They are processed via a secure payment system (Stripe).

If your credit card expires or if you lose your credit card, just email us so we can update your plan.

Is It Pay As You Go?

No, this is not a 'pay as you go plan'.  With a pay as you go plan, content is dripped to you with each payment.  We find this doesn't work because you can only ever see a small portion of the program and it's hard to plan ahead and limits the learning context.

So, instead, we release the full program content to you, with unlimited access, upon receipt of your first payment. We do this in the good faith that you will honor your plan as agreed.

What if I finish my program before I finish my payment plan?

All our programs offer flexible study pathways with the opportunity to fast track or take your time.  Those fast tracking might find they finish in under 12 months, and that's completely fine.  You can continue with your plan and graduate when the plan completes. Or, you can settle any balance in full prior to your performance evaluation.

What Currency Options Are There?

Our tuition prices are published in USD as the default currency.  However, we can provide you with a tuition schedule specific to your location (Euro, AUD etc).  For more information email

Which Program?

We are often asked 'Which program is best for me?' This is a totally understandable question because coach training is an investment of both time and money and it's important your decision is one that will fit your budget, learning style, plans for coaching and confidence  We suggest anyone joining a coach training program considers the following.  And, if you need help, let us know.  All our program advisors are certified coaches, and ICA graduates.  They know our programs first hand and know which program is best for which coaching opportunity.

Use our Interactive Selector Tool to work out the
best path, best certification, and best value program for you.

coaching quiz