A Coaching Power Tool Created by Andrijana Ilic
(Transformational Coach, SWITZERLAND)
Should it be a debate about the fact that the goal of each person is to achieve completeness in his life? Then how to use the human potential to reach that? How can people progress?
The limits of human potential are not measurable. People can go as far as they desire. They can walk as far as they have the courage to walk. The idea is not to reach the roof of the world but to be on the best trajectory for ourselves regarding the will and the capacities that we have.
Our potential is connected to a combination of time and energy. We do not influence time. We only have the power on the energy to create the life that we want to have (Sadhguru). What can we do to live the best life we can in terms of well-being and performance? This is the key question of transformational coaching support.
First, do we decide to choose to actively live the best life we can, or do we choose to live in passive mode regarding how we live? The passive mode would mean not really using the power of our potential to generate what we really want and not being active in terms of personal progress.
We live in a time during which humanity has globally reached the highest level of consciousness and uses highly powerful technological tools. There are still great inequalities across the world in this aspect, but we can make the visionary assumption that if each human that has the possibility to progress does, in the end, it can influence the level of well-being and performance of the whole of humanity decisively and sustainably. This would of course serve the common good of the world.
As an expert in people development, the coach’s role becomes then highly strategic with the ambition to support the achievement of the best potential of humanity. We know that we can not influence time and time is limited (who knows how long their life will last?). What a coach can support is how people are engaged to use their energy efficiently to make the best use of their time.
We need almost half of our time just to maintain our vital necessities: sleeping, eating, hygiene… What do we do with the other half of our time to renew the limit of our potential and become empowered to realize the life that we want? How to live to feel deeply satisfied at the end? How to realize what we dream and that which seems at first sight impossible?
To support a client to move out of a passive mode in their life, the coach would activate their empowerment on four aspects of life (www.h-performance.fr) by becoming greatly more:
How can we use these dimensions of life as a tool to emancipate ourselves? The transformational coach would support his client to work at the same time on these four aspects with a complementary approach.
Mentally Clear
a. Being inspired
One of the most powerful characteristics of humans is their imagination. Using imagination and visualization on a sophisticated and positive level inspires people. They can project themselves into a desirable future. Then motivation to work on their personal development becomes stronger. Some limited beliefs or values that they have absorbed during their life (with social conditioning) would have to be unlocked to create new perspectives and feel who they are and what they really want. That process would help people to increase or adjust their own standards of what they expect to be and to achieve in life.
Furthermore, supporting the awareness of the client on how they can create positive effects, and stimulating the idea that spending more time with people who inspire or fascinate them, would also be useful.
General questions that may connect to higher desires could be: how would your life be if you were to live in abundance? And also to help the client check what sense they will have at the end of their life if they look back on the possible achievements that inspire them now. The goal is to define the ideal story that the client would like to live now to feel deeply satisfied at the end of their life. By connecting the client to the positive feelings that this brings, the client will be more able to attract or create the conditions of success (Law of attraction).
b. Elevate the consciousness
We know that, in general, the mentality of human beings likes to complicate things. Being more conscious would not mean thinking a lot of overthinking. We all have a certain level of consciousness (Barrett Academy) that will more or less quickly be improved during our life regarding the experience we live. The deep aspect of consciousness is simply our deepest “being” with a kind of detachment regarding all thoughts that run in our mind and regarding our personality which we express in the different contexts of life. The intellect is only a superficial aspect that we all more or less build during life. To be better connected to our consciousness, the key is to feel deeply the way we are silently inside ourselves. Different exercises (relaxation, powerful questioning, or feedback…) can support this. The coach will help his client to be more centered and to readjust his own perspective regarding who he is really and what life mission he aspires to. The abilities of the client, through mindfulness, will be improved. Mindfulness will connect better a person to the present moment and enable the client to express a higher potential in life. Clarity with objectivity and positive thoughts in appreciation of what really happens in himself and his life is then improved, and the power of influencing ourselves and others increases.
c. Build a clear vision and a strong intention
In his book “Start with the Why”, Simon Sinek (X) explains how it is important to be clear on the root reasons of existence. Why do we do what we do? Why do we exist?
That approach can be used on an individual level or collective level (for all organizations). The coach can help his client to understand and to connect him with his real-life purpose.
With this connection, the client can understand and accept better some life experiences or challenges that he saw as negative, and integrate new learnings and skills. Life is often a reflection of what is defective and dissonant in our unconscious or consciousness.
With greater clarity on the orientation that the client really wants to give to his life (personal or professional), will come a greater ability to feel when he is on the way to achieving the life he wants to create, or conversely when he is not on that way. The coach will support him to shine “the light” on what really happens and what impacts him, what needs to be changed, how to change it, how to support his own accountability to ensure the achievement of the necessary transformation.
What are the most important goals to achieve to feel the high quality of existence? How would the client feel if he achieves that? How does this serve his own being (internal light)? Activating the client to feel more freedom without limits with a constructive approach for himself would be powerful.
d. Adopt useful habits
When someone else tells us what to do and controls us, we may have the feeling that this limits our freedom. If we accept being in this kind of slave position, how can this serve our happiness? It is the responsibility of each person to accept or something or not and to let the impact of others affect our happiness or not. Increasing the awareness of the necessary boundaries to make in life is key. In terms of inspiration for good habits, we can use different pieces of advice for example the habits described by Stephen R. Coven in his book The 7 habits of highly effective people, or by Don Miguel Ruiz in The four agreements or Jim Kwik that explains how we can improve significantly the abilities of our brain, or by religious prophets such as Jesus in the Bible, which creates in us a constructive structure for living with all the positive effects of the connection with the Divine. Furthermore, it would emphasize the positive effect if the coach would support his client in customizing the new habits that will fit with the characteristics of his client regarding his life purpose and what he is really able to do. Is the client in a good direction each day regarding what he wants? The expression of his own freedom to create what is good for him would empower him. The succession of positive achievements would improve self-confidence and fulfillment feelings. In this transformational process, the person will integrate how he is responsible for the story that he is writing: his own life. The more intensively engaged he is to write a good story, the better the story would be (the power of the GRIT from Angela Lee Duckworth). The more exceptional the story, the more impressed others will be, leadership is more important and maybe even human history can be impacted.
Spiritually Open
In this awakening process, a stronger connection to his spirituality will reinforce the client’s enlightenment.
What beliefs and faith animates the client? This is very personal and intimate, and it depends on his own story and his culture. How does he define faith? Does he have faith in God or different gods, or does he believe that God does not exist? How does he define God and connect to the divine? How does this serve him?
If a person is strongly convinced that she is a part of a higher self that has all powers, that emphasize all of her potentials and helps her to structure what is necessary to use that power to live life in fulfillment. Different religions have their own way to create that process.
Some beliefs may become stronger when science explains certain phenomena.
Newest sciences show how the spiritual process can be a universal process in which all humans can be integrated, no matter if they are a part or not a part of a religion. To sense the purpose of spirituality, we may say that it is like the science of joy, love, health, and happiness.
In his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, Joe Dispenza uses the latest discoveries in quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show how all humans can create a reality that they want. By becoming superconscious, the power of a person’s intention will attract what they want in life. The power of intention will support that process by activation of the brain’s energies and the heart’s energies in a complementary way, and it impacts what happens in material or visible reality. Meditation exercises would also have a positive effect on this transformation of reality. Mental clarity and emotional stability help humans to be clear on what they want to attract for themselves and others and will avoid confusion that creates inefficient lives. The transformational coach will be able to support the client to create the structures that offer him the ability to travel within himself to better understand his own engineering and then to influence positively what is in and around himself. This will generate greater courage to express who he really is, what he believes, and what he can. This “trust” process will facilitate a “letting go” attitude. This is substantially based on trust in higher consciousness which represents a universal unity by which everything is connected and in which we can believe what is necessary will be brought to us. Also, when you become more detached from your needs you find them less significant, and coincidentally it seems surprising how with that feeling of fulfillment, your positive vibrations attract what you want. This process can also be strongly powerful in an auto-healing process.
Emotionally Stable
Giving power to humans over their emotions or helping them to use their emotional power will also help them to be less passive regarding what happens in their life. By improving Emotional intelligence (Daniel GOLEMAN), humans can reinforce their ability to be more stable emotionally. This would be important in terms of good coordination of what happens in their mental sphere and what happens in their emotional sphere to bring into reality what they really want to be, what feelings they want to attract in themselves, how they would like to behave, and influence others and even how to manage stress as this is very present in our “modern” life. Our feelings are always a mix of the different seven emotions that really exist (Joy, Trust, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, Anticipation) :
The wheel of emotions of Robert Plutchik
The natural tendency of humans is to feel the emotion of Joy. It is like the purpose of existence. It looks as if children can more easily access this emotion. In reality, as adults, we have the same resources of joy but we have more restraint in feeling and expressing it. The coach will support his client in reconnecting himself to that authentic joy emotion that brings love energy that maximizes all potential of humans. Exploring obstacles that should be overcome, will help the client to avoid staying passive regarding their limits in feeling a certain serenity. In certain situations, complementary work with a specialized therapist would be useful particularly if the client is still too emotionally affected regarding some past experiences that still produce pain (Les cinq blessures qui empêchent d’être soi-même, Lise BOURBEAU) and that influence the way they manage their own emotions.
What can look like a paradox is how the power of the mental/brain is useful in developing the heart’s intelligence.
The coach will support his client to avoid reacting to be able to respond appropriately. Naturally, human tendency is to have negative feelings when someone or a situation is annoying, stresses us, disappoints us, surprises us…a goal would be to increase awareness regarding that process to sense feelings and to not immediately react. By slowing down the process, the person will give the possibility to the cortex part of the brain to be activated to have a more adjusted response that is a result of rational analysis. This relativization process mixed with relaxing exercises (meditation, yoga…) will also support stress management. It is about improving skills related to the ability to be more strategic (anticipate the consequences…) in the way we behave.
Another aspect that will support emotional stability in interpersonal relations, would be the way the person would not judge others, not discriminate against others, being in gratitude, and being able to forgive by accepting that others do the best they can. These empathy skills will have a positive effect on the client regarding how he treats himself and others. At the same time, being able to establish boundaries remains key to not living passively. Then people feel better love energies and these pleasant emotions increase feelings of happiness. This facilitates adopting assertive communication techniques with others and performing the soft skills that are more and more key in the workplace today.
Physically Healthy
What can a person do regarding using her body as something that empowers herself?
The way the person feels her body and considers it will have an impact on how she considers herself in general and which limits her. Does the client feel tonic, without pain? Does his body have to face disease? Does he know how to appreciate his physical aspect?
Some fundamental new awareness can be helpful for the client in his transformation process. This may be related to reviewing the importance of the way we eat (we are made of what we eat and drink, complements may be useful regarding some deficiencies and ways of living), the quality of sleep (how to optimize recovery times), the exercises we do (what are the activities that the client can do regarding his tastes and abilities). Complementary work with a relevant expert may be also useful for some clients.
More deeply what would help is to understand empowering the mental and emotional parts of the body. As for our life, how our body is now is the result of what we have done until now. And our ignorance until now may have had negative effects on our body. By becoming more engaged in the responsibility of what we are, we can do things that will bring changes. If we look also at higher human potential, we see by Epigenetics how our way of living and our behavior can affect all physical aspects. The idea is to support the client to integrate the power that he has to perform important evolution on his body and to engage him. And this process can continue until auto-healing.
How much better humans lead their own life-engineering, how better they empower themselves. In the current global pandemic context, we hear more and more that the awareness and needs of people are changing in an accelerated way. With a higher global consciousness and new needs regarding life-purpose, the will of humans to achieve transformations becomes really clear. Transformational coaching services are then more crucial than ever.