Preparing for Your FlipIt Lab

Rethink The Way You Think

Our E-Learning is more than just Zoom Classes

Before attending classes students read a module or watch an instructional video.  This is an introduction and context to the learning that follows in the classes and provides for deeper and richer conversations. We have provided this information below for you to read and review before class. Your zoom code will have been emailed to you.

Following classes our students reflect on their learning in their private forum and with their portfolio development. We'd love to hear your feedback and reflections after the class.  You can either post them on our facebook page, our instagram,  or send to

Perspective is a point of view; a way of looking at or interpreting a set of events. We all have perspectives about our world and the circumstances we find ourselves in. And it’s your perspective that determines your experience in life, not your circumstances. So while we cannot always change our circumstances we can choose to change our perspective at any time.

It’s a bit like wearing glasses. If your glasses have a yellow tint, every day when you put them on you will see the world with a yellow tint. Over time you might forget that your glasses are tinted yellow and you start to believe that the world, through your eyes, has a yellow glaze to it.

The ICA Power Tools are essential for understanding the FlipIt Framework.  Based on dualities they offer opposing perspectives. e.g. good/bad, empowered/disempowered, negative/positive. They were created from the idea that at any given time our perspective on a given situation or event is a choice. It may not be a conscious choice, but nonetheless it is a choice.

For example, we can choose to approach a new job or relationship with fear and trepidation, or we can choose to approach it with confidence and curiosity. And that choice will affect the happiness and satisfaction we feel.

Read More about ICA Power Tools

The ICA Coaching Power Tools

ICA Power Tools

Commitment vs Trying
Responsibility vs Blame
Responding vs Reacting
Truth vs Fraud
Lightness vs Significance
Trust vs Doubt
Action vs Delay
Respect vs Invalidation

What Happens in an ICA Classroom

There will generally be between 10 - 20 students in each classes, and although they will be dialing in from many different countries, they will most likely live in a country that has the same time zone as you.  You will also find they are often at the same learning level. For example: if you are a new student joining a 'What is Coaching' class then there will most likely be other new students in that same class (because this is an introductory module).

A member of ICA's faculty will open the call and greet students as they arrive.  Most people will be on video but this is optional (you can just use audio).  Then the learning begins, and it's up to you if you actively participate or quietly observe.

ICA's Global Classroom

Sample Modules

Prospective students who attend any of the classes below are able to carry this participation over as a module credit if they continue on to join an ICA program.  Meaning, you can count one class as complete before you enrol 🙂