Your Coaching Model Will Lead The Way

We'll ask you - 'Who Do You Want to Coach'?

And then we'll help you to create a coaching model that represents your passion, beliefs, values and purpose.

One of the elements of our training that we are most proud of is that we teach our students to create their own coaching model.  Often a coaching school will teach or promote a coaching model that is  based on the personal philosophy, passion or coaching model of the founder. So if the founder was a NLP coach then it's most likely the coaching model they teach has a heavy NLP foundation.  But, at ICA we stay away from cookie cutter coaching models. Instead, as educators with expertise in adult learning principles, we teach the frameworks and theories that have influenced coaching such as cognitive behavioral therapy, appreciative inquiry, NLP, emotional intelligence and mindfulness. We look the background, how it intersects with coaching and how it can be blended with coaching.

The outcome being each graduate creates a coaching model that will speak to their future clients about who they are as a coach, who they will coach, and the problems they will solve. We do this by providing a solid framework which includes an ICF accredited curriculum, learning outcomes, practicum, reflection and business development.

  • Graduate with a Unique Coaching Model

    An important element of our Certified and Advanced Coach Training programs (ACTP) is to create your own unique coaching model (with our support and guidance).  It might seem daunting, but actually, it’s a natural progression once you get into the swing of things and begin to learn more about the opportunities for coaches, and the type of problems that clients are looking to be solved.  In the last 10 years, our Graduates have produced over 680 Different Coaching Models .

Your Coaching Model Will Become Part of Your Coaching Identity and Brand

Every student who comes to ICA comes with their own unique blend of skills, knowledge and experience. Often this can come from a workplace or profession but it can also come from travel, parenting or general life experiences. The important thing is, that no matter what it is or where it came from, your coaching can benefit and even be shaped by this experience. You are not, as they say “an empty vessel” to be filled up with coaching “knowledge” Rather you are an amazing individual who has a totally unique perspective on life that has been shaped by the millions of experiences you have had in your life.

People use the internet more and more for "shopping research". To be found online when your prospective clients search for you, you need to be listed under something more specific than "coach".

Your coaching model will help clients find you and know you by

Your Coaching Model Goes Hand in Hand With Your Niche

As part of developing a coaching  model, students will also develop their own coaching niche.  It's not compulsory, but highly recommended.  The reason being that it's simply not possible to be everything to everyone in a global market.  The tighter your niche, the more strongly you can target your potential clients.  Read More

Portfolio Development Labs

As a student you will attend Portfolio Development Labs, led by a member of faculty with many years of professional coaching (and being coached).  In these labs, students explore and develop ideas, ask questions, give and receive feedback from peers, and also coach, and be coached. The outcome being you will develop your own unique coaching model by the time you graduate

The possibilities are unlimited, with our graduates already producing over 680 different coaching models.

Robyn Logan, CEO, International Coach Academy

What Sort of Coach Will You Be?

Identify the unique skills and knowledge you ALREADY have, and discover which markets or industries have the most potential for you.  Then create your own coach development plan - a road map to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Map Out Your Coaching Future