A Coaching Model Created by Catalina Neacsu
(Life Coach, ROMANIA)
What is the aim of this discussion?
What is important to you right now?
What do you want to achieve as a result of this session?
What will make you feel this time has been well spent?
If I could grant you a wish for this session, what would it be?
What is happening now? (what, where, when, who, how much, how often).
Can you tell me more about this?
Where are you now in relation to your goal?
On a scale of 1 -10 where are you?
What has contributed to your success so far?
What skills/knowledge/attributes do you have?
What is the challenge/opportunity here?
What progress have you made so far?
What is working well right now?
How would you rate your happiness on a scale of ten?
What is the meaning of the goal?
What do you most want to accomplish?
What’s important to you about?
What does success look like?
How does this fit with your plans/way of life/values?
How much personal control or influence do you have over your goal?
If your success was completely guaranteed, what bold steps might you choose?
How does this relate to your life purpose?
What are you learning about yourself?
Is there anything I’m not asking you?
If your best friend would be in the same situation what advice would you give him?
What action will you take? And after that?
What will you do? When?
Where do you go from here? When will you do that?
When are you going to start?
Who will help you?
What are your next steps? By what date or time will you complete these steps?
What outcome are you taking out from this session?
On a scale of 1 -10 how committed /motivated are you to doing it?
How will you know you have been successful?
How will you ensure that you do it?
What could I do to support you?
Is there anything else you want to talk about now or are we finished?
As a coach I strongly believe in flexibility and responding entirely to the client’s needs at a particular point in time, focusing on the process of coaching itself – raising awareness, deepening learning, generating responsibility and building self-belief in the client to be at his best!
A coaching model though helps the coach to stay ‘on track’ and my coaching model is “ACE IT! BE AT YOUR BEST!” I have 6 A frame to follow and if I have a new client I use the 7th A – Agreement
Give your best effort, because you are worth your best effort. Denis Waitley