Can you spot the competencies?

Watching and learning from others is an incredibly useful experience.  It's a chance to consider what works, and what maybe doesn't. And, in the case of the ICF coaching competencies and the demonstrations below - which competencies are evident and which ones could be further developed.

ICA's Coach Training includes Coach Development Labs.  These are practicum based coaching classes where students can put theory into practice. Students will take on the role of coach, client or participant. Mentor Faculty will provide feedback, coaching and guidance, and support students to align their practice with the ICF competencies.

The following demonstrations are a tool to support our coaches develop their competency and awareness.  

Lorna Poole, PCC (ICA Graduate, Canada)

Lorna Poole (PCC) coaches ICA graduate Sarah Hamish-Creek around the possibility of adopting a dog.  It's a big decision and Sarah's noticed she's getting stuck.

1. Open or Download the ICF Competencies

2. Download ICA's Competency Checklist

3. Watch the video and note your own observations

Competencies +

- The Coaching Agreement
- Powerful Questions
- Designing Action
- Creating Awareness

Sarah Jack, PCC (ICA Graduate, USA)

ICA Student Bill Findley explores how transition from his traditional role as a consultant into a Professional Certified Coach.  It's hard to stop giving advice.

1. Open or Download the ICF Competencies

2. Download ICA's Competency Checklist

3. Watch the video and note your own observations

Competencies +

- Establishing Trust and Intimacy
- Effective Communication
- Designing Action
- Planning and Goal Setting

YOU decide the DAY and TIME you attend classes

Our ACTP and ACSTH study are all self paced - this means you are the one that decides how many classes you take a week, with the option to fast track or take your time. Over 30 classes a week, with morning, afternoon, evening, weekday and weekend options.