Coaching Case Study By Mo Yee Ilona Tse
(Life Coach, CHINA)
Who are the main players in this case study
The players are me, the coach and my client Teddy.
What is the core problem or challenge you applied your coaching skills to?
Teddy has regular problems with his anger management and easily loses his temper. He seeks coaching for better management of his anger and temper.
Previous approaches tackled the issue by addressing the reasons why they occur not the root where it all stem from. It did not uncover the origin of it.
What specific coaching skills or approach did you use in this case?
Coaching skills which I have applied on this case include: Reframing Perspectives, Creating Awareness, Creating Structures, Creating Action, Powerful Questioning, Accountability
Explain your process in detail.
First, we used the Wheel of Life to identify the key areas and issues which frequently gets Teddy angry and upset. Through the process, Teddy had the realization that his high and unmet expectation is the general cause of his anger. In the following sessions, we explored and took a deeper and closer look on his values. Teddy discovered how his values have set his expectations and perspectives.When they are violated, it makes him lose his temper and feeling angry. Then we worked to identify the feelings and emotions associated with the different areas that cause him to feel angry. As the coaching sessions move on after exploring and having the awareness of the above mentioned, Teddy was committed to create a vision board to help remind himself what are the triggers and be watchful of them, prepare himself when these moments or situations arise and how to control and manage his temper and anger. Teddy also used visualization to help him prepare the encounter and prepare himself how to be in control of his temper and anger, when they arise. The coaching then concluded with the Teddy’s view and understanding the role anger and temper play in his life. Also, his wishes, goal and attitude he has in life have been explored and discussed and the time frame to achieve and live the life he would like to have.
What were the results of your process? Was your coaching/program effective? Why? Why not?
Overall, I think the coaching was effective and fruitful in helping Teddy to find strategies, actions, and reminders to help him control his anger and temper. He now realizes what are his trigger points, situations or people who will get him up upset and sets him off. He sees the role which anger and temper play in his life- it is a part of his makeup and accept that it is not a pleasant one. One he is determined to separate and divorced from through meditation and labeling when appears. The sessions close with Teddy in sharing and setting his goal to a more positive and attitude towards life and works towards the long-term goal to a happy life he wishes to have.
If you could approach this problem again, what would you do differently?
It would be good to have the opportunity to coach the client for a transformational journey besides just tackling the issue. It would be more impactful and fruitful for Teddy.
What are the top 3 things you learnt from this experience?
Refrain from trying too hard to share with client what I think is important to share but give more space and room to focus on coaching client to dig deeper.
Questioning could be more concise and precise to allow room for the client to explore further and more in depth
Check with client on the outcome he would like to achieve. Establish a measure of success for the outcome of each session. What the client is genuinely seeking for as we move forward with each session so that he find it fulfilling and complete.